100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park- Students experience real life in real time!


Destination Unknown

“‘…I’ll bet they don’t know what’s going to happen to them today.’

‘No, nor you either,’ Billy remarked philosophically, ‘nor me, nor anyone.’

Jody was staggered by this thought. He knew it was true.”

-John Steinbeck, “The Long Valley”

When I read this, I thought it captured the essence of Outside School, and why I learned to let the entire idea planned curriculum go. Our openness to the unknown, curiosity, and adventure leads us in all sorts of directions. I wish I’d had this freedom as a child, and I am so grateful to live this life, sharing this method with as many others as possible. We learn so much more outside than contained within four walls!

Do any of us know what today will bring, really? And, if we don’t know our (or our children’s) destinations, shouldn’t we all have a damn fine time in the process?


The latest Outside School advertisement shows a child with an arm upstretched to show how tall a bulldozer tire is in relation to their body.

Now enrolling for the Outside School school year program and an 8 Week Peek!

Did you know you that one option, often called flexischooling, is available where you can make arrangements with your child’s traditional school to have them attend on Mondays and Fridays only, so they can come to Outside School on our schedule, Tuesdays through Thursdays?

Let’s get more kids out in nature this school year! For more information, please go to www.outside.school:

If you’re interested, but not quite ready to commit for the entire school year, check out the “8 Week Peek!”

Nature News

The sunlight in Fall is extraordinary, and made all the more so by the unusually clear skies. With the exception of a couple days that brought smoke down from extreme Northern California, from fires that had been burning from lightning strikes over a month prior, the air quality and views have been fantastic. We’re lucky to be alive!

“Pears and Moon”: We’re looking forward to when these pears are ripe and delicious!

I don’t think I can ever get enough of our local cows. This one came to lay near us, then rocked itself back up to lay on its other side. Later, it got up again and moved closer to our little group before licking my student’s backpack and laying back down. I feel honored to have such a magnificent beast come close to us, feeling comfortable and relaxed enough to lay its head all the way down to the ground.

A black cow with a white face lays with its head on the ground.

I’m curious if this relaxed cow is the same one that came to lick one of my students and me during summer camp. If so, it’s grown a lot since then.

🎵 “It’s gonna be a showdown” 🎵 Not really- we know to respect one another!

A cow rubs its head and licks an Outside School student's backpack under a tree.

We got the backpack back. 😅

Inspiration and Resources

“California Condors”

California condors have been spotted in Contra Costa County! We hope we can see some in Wildcat Canyon Regional Park.

“Nature and Screen Time”

I know many in this community are deliberate about their decisions regarding nature and screen time with their children. Here’s a study you can contribute to:

Take care,


Heather Taylor, California Master Teacher, NREMT

Founder/Director/Teacher, Outside School (www.outside.school)

Founder, Teach Outside (www.teachoutside.org)

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