Outside School
100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park- Students experience real life in real time!

Water in the Garden


Water in the GArden


A child's experiments with water solubility.



Rain Barrel



Water Soluble Markers


Free access to sources of water are essential for human life. In terms of development it provides infinite possibilities for exploration, sensory perception, physical play, art, and science.

During drought it is important to discuss the abstract notions of drought and water conservation. One indirect method is to provide water faucets that turn off as soon as the handle is let go, causing children to waste less water. A more direct method is to provide a rain barrel. This one is a semitransparent rain barrel with gradations so we can measure how much water we get when it rains and how much we use.



Investigating how water can get into the rain barrel.



Using the rain barrel.

For more information about purchasing and using the rain barrel, please see the Rain Barrel lesson plan:

Lesson plan by Heather Taylor, teachoutside@gmail.com. You are welcome to share all materials with credit to her.