Outside School
100% Outdoor Kindergarten - 12th Grade Natural, Organic Learning in scenic Wildcat Canyon Regional Park- Students experience real life in real time!

Project and Inquiry Based Learning

Use as an idea base for your own outdside teaching projects. Feel free to share!


project and inquiry based learning

Tools toward reforming educational systems.

Introductions to Project Based Learning

Wikipedia definition of project based learning:

Less than four minute video explaining project based learning from Buck Institute for Education.

Project Based Learning Resources

Buck Institute for Education

Offers resources and programs for teachers, administrators, and districts.


Outside School

My methods for documentation and involving children in the process.

"Educating the Next Steve Jobs: How Can Schools Teach Students to Be More Innovative? Offer Hands-On Classes and Don't Penalize Failure"

by Tony Wagner, The Wall Street Journal

Formula SAE

Example of project based learning programs for college students through the use of automobile competitions.

Project Based Learning: Checklists to Support Project Based Learning and Evaluation

If you are required to produce "proof of students' learning" these checklists can help you do just that.

Project Management

Wikipedia page dedicated to the history, definitions, and styles of project management.

Symbiotic Schoolyard

Janneke Petersen has made a fantastic, well-priced, effective science/ecosystem curriculum that looks fantastic for those of you who are teaching at traditional schools.